Thursday, 15 December 2011
Thursday, 1 December 2011
Animals Protec themselves
Alligators have a thick skin formed by bony plates. Alligators have very strong jaws that can crush the bones of its' enemies. They also have a strong tail that can whack enemies. Alligators often will hiss or roar to warn off enemies. Back to Top
Armadillos have hard plates that cover their back, sides and top of their head. These hard plates protect them from attacks from other animals. All armadillos curl up to protect their soft underside, but only the 3 banded armadillo can curl up into a complete ball. Armadillos can also burrow into the ground. Since the 9 banded armadillo cannot curl up into a tight ball, it will often dig an escape. It can dig a hole extremely fast to escape and enemy using 2 front curved claws on each front paw. They enemy can't reach the soft unprotected underside.
Armadillos can jump up to 3 feet straight up into the air to startle a predator. This sometimes gives the armadillo a few seconds head start to escape. Also, when the armadillo jumps up he may hit his predator in the mouth with his hard armor and dislocate the predator's jaw. Back to Top

Bats hang upside down in case a predator comes a long. Then it can get off easier. They stay in the dark so the enemies can't seem them very well. Back to Top
Bears are very big. They have claws four inches long and 3 inch long teeth. The coats of bears blend in with their hibernation spot making them hard to be seen. Back to Top
There are many ways bugs protect themselves. One of the ways is camouflage. Some bugs pretend to be a plant. Like the rose thorn tree hopper who pretends to be a thorn on a rose bush by standing very still and having its thorn shaped body face the same direction as the real thorns. Another tricky way bugs defend themselves is to act like another bug or animal that is really dangerous. For example, the fungus beetle looks like a ladybug with its red back and round and black spots. The animals that have eaten a lady bug know that they don't taste that good so they leave the fungus beetle alone. Back to Top
Cats - Domestic
Cats have retractable nails. So they can swipe at their enemy with their sharp claws. Cats also have sharp teeth to help protect themselves. Cats have exceptional hearing so they can often hear an enemy before it arrives. This gives the cat a head start on escaping. Cats also have excellent night vision. This helps them in spotting and escaping predators. If a cat is attacked it will often arch its' back and raise its' fur to make it look bigger. This will sometimes scare off a predator. Back to Top
Cats - Wild
Wild cats have all the abilities of the domestic cat and even more. They have camouflage which allows them to hide from enemies by blending in with their surroundings. Wild cats also have excellent speed. The cheetah, for instance, can run up to 70 miles per hour. Back to Top
Koalas have sharp claws for defense and they are good climbers. They protect their babies by putting them in a pouch.
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Lizards best defense is camouflage. When it stands still it is very hard to see. When seen by a predator they can run very fast. They can even run up a tree., or under rocks. Some of them run on their hind legs. The fastest lizard is the zebra tailed lizard. It runs up to 18 miles per hour. The tails of most lizards can come off, leaving the predator with a mouth full of scales. It eventually grows back. The Blue tongued skink startles attackers by sticking out its big, bright, blue tongue and wiggling it.
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Rabbits coloring helps them hide. Arctic hares are white and can't be seen on the snow except when they run. Back to Top
The main defense on a scorpion is its venomous stinger on the end of the tail. As the scorpion stings an enemy, it injects poison from a pair of poison glands. Back to Top
Shrews are a small mammal similar to a mouse but related to the mole. Some species of shrew have poison in their salvia. Some species can secrete a foul odor as a means of defense. This comes from their glands. When a shrew is attacked it may squeal to warm off an enemy. Back to Top
Hero Shrew
Have you ever heard of a hero shrew? Well a hero shrew is a special kind of shrew that can hold the weight of a human body on its back! So what is it's secret? The hero shrew's vertebrae are shaped so they lock together to make a strong line of bones. So if you step on it, it will not be harmed. Warning! Do not try this with just any shrew! Back to Top
As you know most snakes have venom, can swim , or are camouflaged to fit in with their environment. But there are is one snake that has a really cool defense. It's called the hognose snake. When the hognose snake is under attack it will suddenly roll over dead. When an animal tries to roll it over on it's back, it will pop back up to life and roll right back over on its belly and fake dead until the enemy finally goes away. Back to Top
Alligators have a thick skin formed by bony plates. Alligators have very strong jaws that can crush the bones of its' enemies. They also have a strong tail that can whack enemies. Alligators often will hiss or roar to warn off enemies. Back to Top

Armadillos have hard plates that cover their back, sides and top of their head. These hard plates protect them from attacks from other animals. All armadillos curl up to protect their soft underside, but only the 3 banded armadillo can curl up into a complete ball. Armadillos can also burrow into the ground. Since the 9 banded armadillo cannot curl up into a tight ball, it will often dig an escape. It can dig a hole extremely fast to escape and enemy using 2 front curved claws on each front paw. They enemy can't reach the soft unprotected underside.
Armadillos can jump up to 3 feet straight up into the air to startle a predator. This sometimes gives the armadillo a few seconds head start to escape. Also, when the armadillo jumps up he may hit his predator in the mouth with his hard armor and dislocate the predator's jaw. Back to Top

Bats hang upside down in case a predator comes a long. Then it can get off easier. They stay in the dark so the enemies can't seem them very well. Back to Top

Bears are very big. They have claws four inches long and 3 inch long teeth. The coats of bears blend in with their hibernation spot making them hard to be seen. Back to Top

There are many ways bugs protect themselves. One of the ways is camouflage. Some bugs pretend to be a plant. Like the rose thorn tree hopper who pretends to be a thorn on a rose bush by standing very still and having its thorn shaped body face the same direction as the real thorns. Another tricky way bugs defend themselves is to act like another bug or animal that is really dangerous. For example, the fungus beetle looks like a ladybug with its red back and round and black spots. The animals that have eaten a lady bug know that they don't taste that good so they leave the fungus beetle alone. Back to Top

Cats have retractable nails. So they can swipe at their enemy with their sharp claws. Cats also have sharp teeth to help protect themselves. Cats have exceptional hearing so they can often hear an enemy before it arrives. This gives the cat a head start on escaping. Cats also have excellent night vision. This helps them in spotting and escaping predators. If a cat is attacked it will often arch its' back and raise its' fur to make it look bigger. This will sometimes scare off a predator. Back to Top

Wild cats have all the abilities of the domestic cat and even more. They have camouflage which allows them to hide from enemies by blending in with their surroundings. Wild cats also have excellent speed. The cheetah, for instance, can run up to 70 miles per hour. Back to Top

Koalas have sharp claws for defense and they are good climbers. They protect their babies by putting them in a pouch.
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Lizards best defense is camouflage. When it stands still it is very hard to see. When seen by a predator they can run very fast. They can even run up a tree., or under rocks. Some of them run on their hind legs. The fastest lizard is the zebra tailed lizard. It runs up to 18 miles per hour. The tails of most lizards can come off, leaving the predator with a mouth full of scales. It eventually grows back. The Blue tongued skink startles attackers by sticking out its big, bright, blue tongue and wiggling it.
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Rabbits coloring helps them hide. Arctic hares are white and can't be seen on the snow except when they run. Back to Top

The main defense on a scorpion is its venomous stinger on the end of the tail. As the scorpion stings an enemy, it injects poison from a pair of poison glands. Back to Top
Shrews are a small mammal similar to a mouse but related to the mole. Some species of shrew have poison in their salvia. Some species can secrete a foul odor as a means of defense. This comes from their glands. When a shrew is attacked it may squeal to warm off an enemy. Back to Top
Hero Shrew
Have you ever heard of a hero shrew? Well a hero shrew is a special kind of shrew that can hold the weight of a human body on its back! So what is it's secret? The hero shrew's vertebrae are shaped so they lock together to make a strong line of bones. So if you step on it, it will not be harmed. Warning! Do not try this with just any shrew! Back to Top

As you know most snakes have venom, can swim , or are camouflaged to fit in with their environment. But there are is one snake that has a really cool defense. It's called the hognose snake. When the hognose snake is under attack it will suddenly roll over dead. When an animal tries to roll it over on it's back, it will pop back up to life and roll right back over on its belly and fake dead until the enemy finally goes away. Back to Top
Tuesday, 29 November 2011
Rancangan Pelajaran Harian
Kelas : Tahun 4M
Mata Pelajaran : Science
Tarikh : 27-October-2011 ( Khamis )
Bilangan Murid : 45orang
Masa : 10.00 pagi hingga 10.30 ( 30 minit )
Theme (Tema): The Earth and The Universe
Learning Area (Tajuk ) : Our Solar System
Learning Objectives (Objektif ):
6.1 Understanding the solar system.
Learning Outcomes (Hasil Pembelajaran): Di akhir sesi pembelajaran, murid dapat:
Hasil Pembelajaran Kognitif
ü State the constituents of the solar system.
ü State the planet in the solar system.
ü State that Planet move around the sun.
Hasil Pembelajaran Psikomotor :
ü List the constituents of the solar system
ü List out the nine planets in correct order from the nearest to the furthest .
Hasil Pembelajaran Afektif:
ü Melibatkan diri secara aktif dalam menjalani kerja kumpulan.
ü Menghargai masa dengan menjalankan kerja kumpulan dengan pantas dan sentiasa menumpukan kepada menjalankan tugasan tersebut.
Konsep/ prinsip / hukum / fakta / teori:
a. In our solar system , there are 9 planet.
b. Each planet moves in its own orbit around the sun.
c. The sun is the centre of the solar system.
Scientific Skills and Thinking Skills : Observation and sequencing, Relating and inferring, Planning and com unicating
Scientific Attitudes : Being thankful to god.
Alat Bantu Mengajar: CD Courseware, Komputer riba, LCD Projector, Lembaran kerja
Pengetahuan sedia ada: Murid-murid telah mempelajari solar system dalam subjek Bahasa Cina Thn 3.
Fasa | Isi Kandungan | Aktiviti Pengajaran dan Pembalajaran | Nota | |
Aktivit Guru | Aktiviti Murid | |||
Permulaan/ Mencungkil Idea (+ 5 Minus) | Lampiran 1 Lampiran 2 | Memaparkan gambar dan menyoal murid . 1. Who is he? 2. What is he doing? 3. Where is his work place? 4. What is this? 5. What is its function? 6. What is this? | Memerhati gambar dan memberi respon kepada guru. | Strategi : Kaedah Audio Visual, Teknik Soal jawab Sumber Pengajaran: Couseware |
Menstruktur/ Menstruktur Semula (+ 10 Minus) | Key concepts I. There are nine planets in the solar system. Each planet moves in its own orbit around the sun. As the Earth orbits the Sun, It also rotates. II. Sun is the centre of the solar system. The nine planets that travel around the Sun in the elliptical paths. Lampiran 3 | Memaparkan video mengenaliSolar systen and the Universe dan meminta murid memerhatikan gambar-gambar yang dipaparkan dan guru menanya soalan untuk membimbing murid memahami konsep Solar system . Debriefing Taksir kefahaman secara lisan- Murid yang telah menguasai maju ke fasa aplikasi, manakala murid yang tidak, dikumpul dalam satu kumpulan dan diberi penerangan kumpulan kecil. | Memerhati video dan memberi respon kepada guru. Aktiviti pemulihan: Mendengar penerangan guru dalam kumpulan kecil. | Strategi : Kaedah Audio Visual, Teknik Soal jawab Sumber Pengajaran: Courseware |
Aplikasi Idea (+ 10 Minus) | Lampiran 4 | Setiap kumpulan diberi satu lembaran kerja. Murid buat perbincangan dalam kumpulan. Guru meminta wakil kumpulan untuk membentangkan hasil perbincangan kumpulan. Guru membetulkan kesalahan yang dilakukan oleh setiap kumpulan dan memberi penjelasan lanjutan sekiranya perlu. | Memerhati lembaran kerja yang diberi dan berbincang dengan ahli kumpula. Wakil kumpulan membentangkan hasil perbincangan. | Strategi: Perbincangan kumpulan diikuti persembahan Sumber pengajaran: Lembaran kerja Sikap saintifik dan nilai murni:
Refleksi / Penutup (+ 5 Minus) | Lampiran 5 | Taksir kefahaman murid dengan aktiviti dalam courseware Meminta murid ejakan nama planet dan mengajar murid menyanyi lagu ‘ 9 Planet ‘ dengan tune ‘London Bridge is Falling Down ‘ Beri tugasan membaca tajuk seterusnya iaitu: How Far and How Big | Pelajar lengkapkan aktiviti dalam courseware dan membuatkan kesimpulan pelajaran dengan menyatakan Soalar system ada 9 planets dan setiap planet moves around the Sun and list out other constituents in the solar system. Nyanyi lagu ‘ 9 planet ‘ | BBM : Courseware |
Makro pengajaran
Monday, 14 November 2011
Mikropengajaran Sanis Year 4
Rancangan Pelajaran Harian
Kelas : Tahun 4M
Mata Pelajaran : Science
Tarikh : 28 October 2011(Jumaat)
Bilangan Murid : 45 orang
Masa : 1 Jam
Theme (Tema): Investigating The Living Things
Learning Area (Tajuk ) : Animals and Plants Protect Themselves
Learning Objectives (Objektif ):
3.1 Understanding that animals have specific characteristics and behavior to protect themselves from danger.
Learning Outcomes (Hasil Pembelajaran): Di akhir sesi pembelajaran, murid dapat:
Hasil Pembelajaran Kognitif
ü Identify special characteristics of animals that protect them from danger.
ü Identify special behavior of animals that protect them from danger.
ü Describe how the special characteristics and behavior of animals help to protect them from danger.
Hasil Pembelajaran Psikomotor :
ü Observing the picture given in group
ü List out the special characteristic and behavior of the animal
Hasil Pembelajaran Afektif:
ü Melibatkan diri secara aktif dalam menjalani kerja kumpulan.
ü Menghargai masa dengan menjalankan kerja kumpulan dengan pantas dan sentiasa menumpukan kepada menjalankan tugasan tersebut.
Konsep/ prinsip / hukum / fakta / teori:
a. Special characteristics: Ciri-ciri khas haiwan yang terdapat pada haiwan
b. Behavior : Perlakuan yang akan dilakukan oleh haiwan
c. Haiwan terdapat ciri-ciri khas dan perlakuan yang dapat melindungi diri daripada bahaya.
Alat Bantu Mengajar: CD Courseware, Komputer riba, LCD Projector, Kertas Mahjung, Marker Pen
Pengetahuan sedia ada: Murid-murid telah mempelajari sifat-sifat fizikal haiwan semasa Tahun2.
Fasa | Isi Kandungan | Aktiviti Pengajaran dan Pembalajaran | Nota | |
Aktivit Guru | Aktiviti Murid | |||
Permulaan/ Mencungkil Idea (+ 8 Minus) | Lampiran 1 · Kupu-kupu tersembunyi di batang pokok. · Stick insect tersembunyi di atas daun dan dahan pokok. · Thorn bug tersembunyi di batang rumput yang berduri. · Serangga-serangga tidak mudah dikesani kerana mereka mempunyai warna yang hampir sama dengan rumput dan pokok. | Guru menunjukkan gambar rumput dan caterpillar secara asing. Guru meletakkan caterpillar di atas rumput. Guru tanya murid adakah mereka dapat melihat caterpillar dengan jelas. Memaparkan video dan meminta murid mencari serangga kupu-kupu, stick insect dan thorn bug yang tersembunyi dalam taman bunga yang dipaparkan. Membimbing murid untuk menjelaskan kenapa serangga tersebut susah dicari. | Memerhatian gambar dan menjawab soalan guru Memerhati video dan mencari serangga yang tersembunyi dan memberi respon kepada guru. | Strategi : Kaedah Audio Visual, Teknik Soal jawab Sumber Pengajaran: Couseware |
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